
If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I’d like to do
Is to save every day
Till Eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you

Time in a Bottle, Jim Croce


It was a cheesy song from my high school days and over played on the radio but we all sang along when it came on. Saving time, wasting time, find time, outta time, “got, got, got, got, got no time….” From songs to comedy routines time is a common theme, seemingly from the beginning of time.



Prayerfully consider what changes—including cuts and additions—you need to make to your schedule to awaken to the wonder of rest and a healthy rhythm in your daily life.”

21 Days of Wonder….the title sounded so alluring…Wonder. I need and want that as part of my life. But these challenges….to name beauty, to reflect, and now to alter MY time, MY schedule and MY routine…have made me search deeper than I would have thought. To write words that were so hard. And now, now I must confess my misuse of time. My squandering of it for my whims.


Father God, if I am to know wonder, I must know you and I must spend time, take time, make time in allowing you to show me Your wonders. Forgive my selfishness and squandering. Guide me in your healthy rhythms of life. Allow me grace to share in Your time as all is Yours.

“My times are in your hands.” Psalm 31:15