Passing the Baton

Time to learn something new and accept a worthy pledge. Thanks to Melis (and Jen) who are passing this pledge to Blog for Mental Health. Both of these women are valiant warriors in writing of their struggles with addiction and recovery. The physical and mental are too closely connected for one not to affect the other. Many thanks to these women for setting such examples to follow in telling our stories in an effort to help others.

The rules of the pledge are:

1. Take the pledge by copy and pasting the following into a post featuring Blog of Mental Health 2012.

 I pledge my commitment to the Blog for Mental Health 2012 Project. I will blog about mental health topics not only for myself, but for others. By displaying this badge, I show my pride, dedication, and acceptance for mental health. I use this to promote mental health education in the struggle to erase stigma.

2. Link back to the person who pledged you:

Mel writes honestly about her battle and current recovery from eating disorders. She is also a gifted artist and shares pictures of her art on her blog. Please drop by her blog and say hi.

3. Write a short biography of your mental health and what this means to you.

Mental health. My mental health. Were my family reading this now they would all be laughing. Loudly. Simply for the reason that’s what we do. We’ve joked too long about the family being not quite right to take this requirement too seriously. However, this is not the time for joking as mental health is a most serious matter.

My family history includes depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, divorces. It also includes strength, support, openness and a deep spiritual foundation. This is where we find our strength, where we get our help.

I’m currently involved with working with men who have substance abuse issues. This has opened a new area of understanding the psyche, if it can be understood. It is a daily learning and one I’m privileged to sit ringside and glimpse the process. It is what most often informs my writing.

On a more personal level, my 73-year old mother has dementia. Five months ago we were able to move her into an assisted living facility. She lives 3000 miles away from me. This is also teaching me. About love, about serving, about compassion, about grace.

If there is ever anything I share through my words that touches you it is completely because of my creator God and his compassion on us, on me.

The final requirement of this award is to ask five others to take this pledge. I fear my first three choices may be duplicates but I am not deterred by this and encourage you to check out all of the following blogs. Heidi writes about recovery with sure clarity of mind. Debbie’s writings on grace are medicine for a mind that is searching for peace. Katharine’s Home’s Cool! blog will take you deep in the spiritual mind and not lead you astray His blog says Dr.T-ism’s wrestling with God. I can tell you God is winning. A wonderful blog for recovery and more.

This isn’t part of the pledge but a site I hope you’ll visit as they are very much a part of calling attention to issues of concern with mental health. To Write Love On Her Arms,, got its start by surrounding a young woman afflicted with depression and addiction to drugs and self-harm. They surrounded her with love and grace. Please read their story.

13 thoughts on “Passing the Baton

    • Debby says:

      Katharine, your spiritual emphasis is all about mental health. How can we disconnect mind from soul? That’s exactly why I thought of you as your writing is already about mental health of the highest order. I guess it’s just perspective 🙂

  1. Melissa Cryder says:

    Beautiful history of you and your struggles with so many difficult diseases. It has touched you deeply. You are an inspiration and sweetie! love mel

  2. Step On a Crack says:

    Debby I deeply admire your Walk. I also am inspired by your bio and the fact that you don’t just list the dark but also the light.

    See? That is how you are and I want to be like you.


  3. Lou says:

    I watched a documentary on Netflix called “The Released” about the lack of mental hospital/facilities. The people who don’t families, they sort of get lost in the shuffle. I can’t imagine being without my family. I liked your description of the “glue” that holds your family together.

    • Debby says:

      I know what you mean, Lou. Lost in the shuffle is the perfect description. Even at my worst, my family was there. Hurt because of my choices but they were there.

  4. Step On a Crack says:

    Wow! I looked at the TWLOYA website and blog. Amazing! I have a friend who self mutilatees. This is going straight to her.

    Weird. I thought the Internet was for reading the news and email.
    I was SO wrong! So much activism and love out here!

    Thank you for posting the link.

    XO. Jen

    • Debby says:

      It’s quite a story, isn’t it, Jen? Giving voice to something most of us can’t fathom but it needs to be heard just like you are trying to educate about WK. I’m so glad you’re able to share it with another. That’s what makes you special, lady, and a survivor!

  5. iamnotshe says:

    Are there two entries here? I’m lost in your blog entries. A maze of wonderment. OK, YAY, first, excellent choices for your baton passage 😉 I want to check out the blogs you’ve recommended, and i recognize a few beauties!

    Speaking of which … the beauty (if it can be called beauty) of the ups and downs in life for a Woman Who Feels Deeply is a TRIP … never ending roller coaster. It’s an experience of bi-polar proportion, not the disease of bi-polar. I bring that up to my therapist pretty frequently. If i’m not BP, you aren’t 😉

    You Speak Your Heart, and that’s all i need to know. The heart is a fierce thing. When it’s on the sleeve it takes a beating.

    Love, melis xoxo

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