21 Days of Wonder: beauty pt. 2(the harder beauty)

The challenge for finding the wonder in today was beauty. The prompt to post photo’s of creation. With God as the master painter and creator there is always beauty and in His beauty, wonder.

I selected photo’s depicting this beauty, this wonder and went to bed unsettled about it. It was too easy. Too obvious. I wasn’t stretching myself to find the wonder that I need to acknowledge and name.


me and neice

me and niece

Maybe it was the quiet voice of God whispering to me, he’d really spoken to me through another’s blog a couple of weeks ago. I couldn’t escape this feeling of what I should really write. It was still with me when I awoke and the words started to churn on the beauty I find so hard to confess but to deny it is to deny the One who makes us all.

With a friend in Rhodes Greece

With a friend in Rhodes Greece

cs 49

As a little girl I loved dressing and redressing Barbie. She could be glamorous or playful. She was so pretty. I noticed pretty. A particular junior high teacher I had who I thought was so cute in her little tweedy miniskirts (it was the early 70’s and they were appropriately short ;)). I noticed style on other girls and women while being brought by a mom whose beauty regimen AND makeup was Noxema. She hide no time for such things or maybe no confidence in her own beauty.


I have practiced saying the words in my head but stumble when trying to type them. The words that sound too bold to publicly confess yet I need to. (I’m taking a BIG breath right now)

I. Am. Beautiful.

And the completely unexpected just happened, my eyes have filled with tears. Why does saying that out loud make me cry? This is not about physical beauty though it feels like it. And yes, that’s part of it. To admit that who I am, no matter how it may fit with society’s definition, is a beautiful person made to be beauty by a Creator who created me to reflect Him.

That is the real wonder I have found today. Yes, I have been wonderstruck as Margaret Feinberg says. Because the beauty God wants me to see is me.




18 thoughts on “21 Days of Wonder: beauty pt. 2(the harder beauty)

  1. Debbie says:

    Oh my, my friend – you’ve opened a flood gate of memories for me. (I may try to write a post, just for you).
    Speaking of floodgates and now I’m being redundant but, like Heidi, when I find tears springing forth unbidden, there’s usually something more to the story. Of course, I don’t always know what it is right away but I’ve found it’s generally worth ‘looking at’ a bit more.
    Praying tonight that the Father will show you the beauty we all see when we see you – and more importantly, the beauty He sees.

    • Debby says:

      I was definitely caught by surprise, Debbie, but God’s surprises usually point toward more. I’m looking. Just hope I’m seeing. Thank you, thank you, thank you dear one!

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