Life on repeat

She cuddled up next to her daddy as he read The Night Before Christmas, me mouthing the words memorized from reading it to her mommy. Year after year, the same story, same words.

Christmas Eve

Some days life feels like it’s on repeat and we keep saying the same words, doing the same things. It especially feels like that with the men as we go through the cycle of the year. Haven’t they heard this before? The serenity prayer said at the close of our weekly Celebrate Recovery, the principles read in unison, the 12 Steps taught and it’s the same thing. Again. Life on repeat.

It feels that way on this blog sometimes, that maybe there are just a few things I ever really write about and I keep hitting repeat.



Words are scribbled into these books, words I want to keep, to have them sink into the depths but they are forgotten the minute a new page is turned, new words written. I have to go back, read them again, hear them again, over and over like the stories read to the granddaughter or a favorite. Like the sacred words written in the Bible. It’s the only way to get them inside my head and heart.


watchnight 6839

We closed out 2013 with a candlelight service. We watched a video of highlights from the year, we sang, read scripture, some aloud, some in quiet. We prayed and we took the flame passed from one candle to another. To most men it was new, to some, a repeat of the previous year. For us, a repeat of many years but who tires of your favorite stories? The stories of new life, of promise and hope?

The old hymn says, “Sing them over again to me, wonderful stories of life”. So we’ll keep doing this life on repeat. We’ll keep preaching the same gospel, in new ways, with candles and words written on stones and old songs and new. We’ll repeat the serenity prayer until we believe it and we’ll keep giving second and third chances because it gives us a chance to say it again: God loves you. He loves. You. Again, and again. (repeat)

4 thoughts on “Life on repeat

  1. Brenda says:

    I struggle with this too, including in my writing. I used to feel dumb for talking about the same things over and over, but I’ve since learned from wiser people that it’s not being too limited, it’s having a platform. Big difference.

    • Debby says:

      Thank you Brenda. I have never thought of it as a platform but you’re right. Yes, there is a big difference and I’ll try to look at that way. Thanks so much for sharing that bit of wisdom that was shared with you.

  2. judikruis says:

    I was going to tell you – I sent that same card to a friend in CA the same day this posted…. along with a new crown for her and Proverbs 4…read with new eyes dear sister. She emailed me that afternoon (she knew about the crowns) that she had just read Prov 4…I didn’t tell her what was coming her way. Many God moments to treasure and listen to. Bless you.

    • Debby says:

      I have the treasure part down, it’s the listening I continually fail. Always trying to get out of my own way. Maybe I should be named Tripp! I often slip over to Panera Bread on Friday mornings because I don’t have the distractions of “obligations”. Maybe I’m learning 🙂

      Debby Sent from my iPad


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